Bed Bug Treatment

Get Rid of Bed Bugs Today!

Bed Bug Treatment in Collier and Lee County

While it’s commonly assumed that bed bugs are primarily a concern for hotels, apartment complexes, and other commercial spaces, we at Brett’s Pest Solutions frequently receive inquiries from homeowners fretting over bed bug issues.

These biting insects pose a genuine threat to both residential and commercial properties, infesting spaces indiscriminately across Lee and Collier counties. The warm and humid climate of Florida provides an especially ideal environment for bed bugs to thrive. If you’ve discovered bed bugs or signs of an infestation, prompt action is crucial. At Brett’s Pest Solutions, we provide comprehensive bed bug control solutions designed to effectively address these pests and alleviate your concerns.

How did these bed bugs get into your home?

Upon discovering a bed bug infestation, individuals often feel an immediate sense of defensiveness; some folks who’ve contact us are mortified. However, it’s important to recognize that this is not a negative issue that should evoke embarrassment and that they could have come from anywhere!

Bed bugs do not leap; rather, they crawl and hitchhike on various items such as luggage, backpacks, purses, visiting pets, wildlife, or even another person’s clothing. Recent reports have highlighted instances where bed bugs have been traced back to movie theaters, hotel rooms, and taxi cabs, ultimately finding their way into new hosts’ homes by simply catching a ride.

Rest assured, if you suspect an infestation, we’ve got your back.  Brett’s Pest Solutions is here to assist you in navigating the process of resolving your bed bug issue.

Hire an Expert

As an environmentally conscious pest control company, Brett’s Pest Solutions prioritizes the use of low-risk pest control products and methods to eradicate bed bug infestations. However, in cases of severe infestation, tent fumigation may be necessary. This approach ensures complete elimination of the problem without the need to discard costly bedding and furniture.

We understand the urgency of addressing your bed bug infestation and your desire for a prompt solution. Don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule an appointment with one of our experts at Brett’s Pest Solutions. We’re dedicated to assisting you and will respond promptly to your needs.

To schedule your emergency appointment and address your bed bug concerns, please call (239) 470-1946 immediately, or schedule service using our online form and someone from our team will get back in touch with you right away.

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